Blog5:What is affordance?

what is the Affordance?

From the video,we will learned Affordance is that the effects provided by the environment or objects to animals or humans, regardless of good use or bad use, can be used to explain our perception of heaven and earth. For example, for adults, a chair can be used for sitting, but also for supporting and throwing. But for a baby, an ant or an elephant, there is no such use. In other words, the manifestation is not an inherent property of the object, but a relationship between the object and the actor. Moreover, in Gibson's view, this relationship may or may not be obvious, but it is universal.
For excample:

Gibson thinks that there is no difference in the force of an object. There is no difference between the primary and secondary, good and bad. For example, the same stone can be used to sit down, build a wall, or play with.

what is Perceived Affordance?

Norman’s use of this term is actually understood as Perceived Affordance (preset purpose), which means meaningful and perceptible displays, and prompts the user with these meaningful and perceivable displays. Symbols that have any function are called Signifiers (Signifiers, such as being displayed as a circle on the screen, indicating that they can be touched or clicked).

what are the affordances of an iPad

1.For example, Affordance used in the unlocking function of the ipad: when a row of dots shakes, tell the user "the password you entered is wrong"

2.For example, the Affordance used in the page turning function of the ipad: the two side-by-side dots at the bottom of the screen tell the user to "swipe the screen to the next page"and "you are currently on the first/second page"
3.Set the arrow in the menu bar as affordance to tell the user "In this section, as long as you click on it, you will enter the sub-page afterwards"